typing on the sofa gratitude

i am grateful for:

1) a lovely, leafy berkshire weekend, house-sitting a real house with so many rooms.

2) pelham lake, and that the goose-shit e-coli situation had cleared up by the time we got there. ew.

3) pajamas

4) brad’s godson liking his rody the pony. is it wrong that i want a giant rody, all my own?

5) riding out a weird bad mood in a beautiful place. and being reminded by shrink that i don’t need to graft a story on to said mood–it doesn’t have to mean anything, really. it’s just a weird funky turbulence and i don’t have to figure out every single one. just feel it, breathe it, write it, say it, but not kill it with over-talking or over-analysis. which is heresy to the must-understand-everything impulse in me, but quite calming to the rest.

6) a hot outdoor shower in cool rain.

7) two fanfreakingtastic restaurants in greenfield, mass: hope & olive and mag pie.

8) fireworks from a rooftop.

9) no traffic all the way home.

10) finally going to the dentist later today. but i don’t wanna. but i will. and am grateful to live in a place and be blessed with the resources to go to said dentist. but, wah. hate dentists. have cavities. regularly fantasize about having all teeth removed so as to not have pain. hoping this is not making it worse. crap. am i law of attractioning cavities? sigh.

11) returning too-long-unreturned phone calls.

12) lime rickeys assisted by gin.

13) being finger-pulled into the water by wiley the two-year-old, repeatedly, with mom on the other hand.

14) love.