monday gratitude

"Kurma is supportive and reliable. He looks like a turtle or tortoise." Illustration by Sanjay Patel

i am grateful for:

1) working from bed on monday morning

2) elena’s awesome class at the brooklyn museum yesterday. in honor of the exhibit of the hindu god vishnu, the sustainer, she spoke about which negative habit/trait/thing/person we would like to release and what we would like to hold, welcome, invite, receive, sustain. my thing to let go: self-sabotage. this comes in many forms. complaining, seeing things as worse than they are even though i know the truth. denying my own light, largeness. being unreliable to people i love. being unreliable to myself. the pile of broken promises is highest there. and then, what i want to invite, to sustain, to nourish and grow: faith. it’s not a word i use often because it is so laden with religious stuff. but it’s precisely my medicine right now. faith that i can release self-sabotage. faith that i have the support i need to do so. faith in love. faith in god/love/goddess. faith in friends. faith that everything is and will be ok. not faith in specific outcomes because who knows? but faith that those outcomes are exactly what i need. exactly what the universe ordered. exactly what will serve the higher good. faith. it’s such a good, succinct word. it’s a plan. faith. (cue george michael.)

3) another thing she said in class: expand to allow more light, literally, in your body. and then the light coming through the light from the rotunda above, so much light spilling, filling. and i was thinking: this light can be our legacy. once we fill with it we can share it. once we share it, it’s out there, it’s channeling through people through history. we have pulled it down from the rotunda, through our cells, and through our presence into others. we don’t need to leave companies, foundations, novels (though those are good too). we can leave our love and light in the cells of others. and that is enough. i love that.

4) blossom, the for-adoption kitty in the cage on seventh avenue yesterday. so fluffy and tiny and kitteny.

5) blue apron foods

6) feeding people

7) our sunsets

8) learning about money. uhg. so hard. why is this so hard? but it is. and i love the notion that it is possible to learn the whole seemingly overwhelming holus bolus that some people understand as well as breathing.

9) the work of sanjay patel (see kurma, above, an avatar of vishnu), author of little hindu deities. a former pixar animator, he contributed to the vishnu exhibit. so good. you can see his stuff here.

10) this quote: “When you are inspired by some great purpose, some extraordinary project, all your thoughts break their bonds; your mind transcends limitations, your consciousness expands in every direction, and you find yourself in a new, great and wonderful world. Dormant forces, faculties and talents become alive, and you discover yourself to be a greater person by far than you ever dreamed yourself to be.” -Patanjali

11) watermelon