sleepy sleepy gratitude

i am grateful for:

1) b.w. being borned and all and such a wonderful virtual friend

2) chai at 71 irving. plus e. at 71 irving. freewriting rulez.

3) letting go of some phantom selves i didn’t even know were still around. byyyye!

4) j.m. coming into town this weekend. yay. we’ll feast and maybe find a kirtan somewhere?

5) these, from pema: “When we commit to staying right where we are, then our experience becomes very vivid.” and “When inspiration has become hidden, when we feel ready to give up, this is the time when healing can be found in the tenderness of pain itself.”and “Compassion becomes real when we recognize our shared humanity.”

6) a short work week

7) pending new years. i really am a sucker for the clean slate arbitrariness of it. it does feel like a challenge, a new thing to climb to do, another opp to stick to something. also, realizing as i made my “intentions for 2010” list, i found something new and remarkable–i don’t have that much to do. not the usual basic slog, at least, well, mostly: i’m eating well, exercising, working on my book, spending time with friends, taking care of myself in lots of ways. this leaves room for loftier goals, more fun wild tasks, and greater dimensions of everything. i love that my life feels like a high level on a video game.with many many many levels above, but at least the bottom is distanter.

8) sleep

9) wine glass presents

10) b.c. for talking and listening and being and someone laughing at my remarkably stupid jokes that i secretly often find brilliant. shhh.


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