Gratitude Even on a Crappy Day

Today was just plain hard all around. Maybe not enough sleep or the humidity or the stars (the coming eclipse is supposed to be a biggie). But it was just hard, from start to finish.

Anyway. This is the real practice. Gratitude when cranky.

1) My body
2) My breath
3) Being alive
4) That we have a black presidential candidate
5) My bed, which is already whispering to me
6) D.’s brilliantly glowy new-dad smile
7) That, as my dad likes to say, “no one’s shooting bullets” at me
8) That C. called me because she saw two hot pink retro chairs on the curb and then offered to help me carry them if I wanted them
9) Mary
10) Watermelon juice from the dumpling place on 23rd
11) That I thought of E. today and two seconds later she texted me