Sunday’s Gratitude List

what my heart is happy about today

It’s almost cheating to write a gratitude list on a Sunday. There’s so much to be appreciative of–especially a nice Sunday in August after a lovely weekend in the countryside with friends.

I mainly write these to redirect my mind that can dwell on all that’s not working, all I want that I don’t have, all the work ahead. Instead of the feast that exists.

1) The great weekend
2) Hanging with E. and O. and baby by my favorite pool in the world
3) The amazing sky-scraping Amenia trees
4) The super-awesome lil bonfire at J’s
5) Fire and flames and embers
6) Making art all day
7) My tiny Buddha diorama
8) Cicadas–especially the fatty that landed on the picnic table and hung out with us for a while
9) Chocolate-covered bananas from Trader Joe’s
10) Metro North
11) J’s gorgeous, heart-opening Buddha art
12) The new word I learned today from Jill Neimark: biophilia, a “love of life or living systems.”