‘all my important nothings’ gratitude

i am grateful for…

1) polar bear adventure #3! outside temp on jan 1 = 40 degrees. atlantic ocean temp at coney island  = 45 degrees-ish. starting the year with brisk, baptismal water-plunging with thousands and the bragging rights to go with? delicious.

2) lt and j for the lovely food and home and talk and dance

3) my new cowbell! (thanks, l!) anyone wanna jam? or, um, whatever the right word is for banging a cowbell with some drummers?

4)  48 hours of sweetness

5) a lovely class at vira tonight with a new teacher named holly. she is deeply present and knowledgeable, and the smallness of the class meant getting to ask questions and finally learning how to properly grab the outside of my foot to stretch my shoulder in eka pada rajakapotasana.

6) thinking of s. enjoying laos and vietnam right now

7) how the #5 at hampton chutney with cilantro chutney is always so so good. also that their chai is less sweet and there’s no more credit card minimum.

8) seeing j. today! for lunch and spiritual museum gift-shop shopping and a swing through the blake exhibit which makes me want to write some illustrated poetry. oh and the austen exhibit also at the morgan that had this quote from one of jane’s letters to her friend cassandra in 1809: “where shall I begin? which of all my important nothings shall i tell you first?”

9) written wishes granted

10) the potential wondrousness of 2010 and that i get to go through it with my wondrous peoples

11)  the holidays being ovah and the light returning

12) a blissful, quiet hangout in the bookstore on prince street. me, poetry section, chai, no timeframe. yum.

13) discovering an old used copy of “notes to myself” by hugh prather. pre-stewart smalley, pema-level grounded wisdom bites. try.