independent gratitude

it’s sunday night of a long(ish) weekend. can i run away and join the cirqueous? play in the soleil?

i am grateful for:

1) the iron serra sculptures at the dia: beacon and lying on the cool cement floor inside them and doing call and response bird noises with strangers inside them

2) silver lamé tom’s shoes

3) rediscovering “poemcrazy: freeing your life with words” by susan goldsmith woolridge

4) pending vacation

5) 700 voices

6) amma anticipation

7) four loads of laundry

8) the csa veggies from my neighbors

9) fireworks that aren’t too loud or too close

10) that the drunko who fell on me on the subway last night didn’t break anything

11) annie dillard

12) feeling surrounded by writers

13) words

14) fireflies. oh, fireflies. the most enchanting, hope-implanting bugs

15) the little moments when it seems like i am not just alone and not just stuck. but pre-bigness. pre-change-for-the-better. pre-sparkles. because in those moments i not only feel hopeful about shucking off a kind of misery hull, but also grateful for everything right now that is not misery. everything that is already shiny and good and light. it wakes up my heart, this hope. which is painful and delicious in a scary, vulnerable, hurts-to-want way. cracks for the light to get it.

16) hawthorne valley farm‘s bianca cheese

17) love texts


“If you can be content right now, then you’ll always be content, because it’s always right now.” —Willie Nelson

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