t-shirt weather gratitude

i am grateful for:

1) t-shirt weather, however passing

2) a fairly productive week

3) dogs. brooklyn has so many good ones–i’m beginning to know my type, too: medium build, friendly face, intelligent eyes, touchable fur, medium tail. feisty but warm. basically, a pitta dog.

4) opening the doors and windows, letting life in

5) working dates with m. yay for shared productivity!

6) more yoga

7) not eating sugar, day 18ish. though today is a cranky-wanna-cookie day, i’ve been perkier, stronger, and more steady.

8) being tucked in and home–not having to be anywhere–on st. patrick’s day night

9) the hopeful springy smell in the air

10) out magazine’s amazing madonna photos. so hot. and oddly moving–you can see the spark of human in her–and hungry, hungry desire for something. ripeness. i know it was the 80s, but i love that she’s not a size 0 and is still amazingly smoking. something we almost never see anymore–even in ordinary women there’s often a veneer of “i suck” that lessens the hotness in non-skinny american women. i love the christina hendricks quote in health magazine: “She used to be 15 pounds heavier – and that, she tells Health – is when she felt the most beautiful. She was modeling in Italy. ‘I was having cappuccinos every day!” she told the magazine. “I would take my clothes off in front of the mirror and be like, ‘Oh, I look like a woman.’ And I felt beautiful, and I never tried to lose it, ’cause I loved it.'”

11) my brain working at all today–feel kinda flat. coooookies? please?

12) this sleepy coffee shop with sunlight hitting the sill bricks, a few people tapping at laptops, krishna das on my headphones.

13) flowers

14) how new-spring days like today remind me of this sharon olds poem, first love. gorgeous and tragic.