marching on gratitude

i am grateful for:

1) my friend anandra, a healer/teacher visiting japan right now. she posted this on FB: “I think the best thing to do in this situation is to remain at ease, in a state of yoga, immersed in harmony in the midst of the appearance otherwise. For those of us not in immediate physical suffering, we can contribute an atmosphere of peace, not get swept away in the whirling energy of fear.”

2) waking up in the middle of the night over the weekend and catching the moon pretending to be a giant mango slice. luminous and orange and low. it sunk quickly behind the buildings, but it was huge and juicy and gorgeous. i imagine a giant monkey god snapped it up.

3) mary’s gone crackers herb flavor crackers

4) being on day 13 of no refined sugar. i think i feel a difference. you know, other than wanting to eat through the glass window of ben & jerry’s. tongue seems pinker, bowels seem better, energy seems more consistent. we’ll see.

5) booking a fire island campsite. i am so in the moment and the moment is june.

6) top chef, season 7

7) preparing a speech!

8) a semi-private yoga class! what luxury to be actually assisted in poses. i really miss old school yoga. and am grateful it can still exist, if for a fee.

9) d. being told to hug trees to help give her a stronger flow of prana to fight the cancer. the idea being that all these crazy emf’s and wireless signals are messing with our cells’ inherent intelligence and that in the city the closest thing you get to pure, strong prana is a tree. cool.

10) putting all our dry goods into jars. also, the term “dry goods.” and not having lots of crinkly bags everywhere popping open and spilling basmati on the floor.

11) the unfamiliar yet very welcome feeling of calm, balanced normalcy in love.

12) pentel magic markers

13) tourist strangers chatting in the subway across the aisle as if that’s something that’s done here.

14) ganesh