a little bit rocked gratitude

just a little sad-irritable-angry-hurt-totally-chill-and-peaceful tonight. feel like i’m climbing up an icy mountain in slippers.

i’m grateful for:

1) a good convo with dr. g.

2) getting up for yoga this morning. and going. and doing class. and conjuring up the courage to tell the teacher after class that one woman went into headstand with a totally crinked neck. and that she might just want to know for next time. and she thanked me. whcih was nice since i had spent half the class thinking should i say something should i not? and then worked with a new-old principle for me: VOICE. use your VOICE. so i got to be self-expressed, the teacher got to feel like someone cared and maybe this student won’t need neck surgery somewhere down the line. so that was cool.

3) sleep

4) percival the bear

5) pre-sliced swiss cheese

6) red cabbage

7) an unmet craving for pickles

9) talking to c. for a while and it being really nice.

10) the smell of fall–dusty umber crispness