snow day gratitude

i am grateful for:

1) the vicarious thrill of a snow day

2) making snow ice cream: fresh snow, milk, maple syrup, vanilla, and cocoa powder

3) making a snow angel in the dark

4) embracing the snow by playing in the snow (thanks, heartman)

5) breaking through procrastihell

6) not having to leave the house

7) the dual happy-home sounds of laundry and the dishwasher gurgling. though a little while ago the dishwasher startled me: “is something eating?” i asked the boy. it sounded like a monster.

8) modern family. fave thing from last night’s batch: cam and mitchell both being like, “you have to let me have my reaction.” so straight from new age-speak. i love it when my language/lifestyle appears on tv. i think it’s partly why hippie hollywood loved “the kids are alright”–there was emotional processing, hemp milk, and awkward but sincere communication. love.

9) my new task chart, on which i get gold stars

10) dara, my sweet fighter gal who can’t catch a cancer break these days. wtf? she wrote this on facebook last night: “it’s hard to be reminded that the body is a time-based medium.” uhg. and yes. and i love you.

11) brighter days


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