lunchtime gratitude

1) gold stars

2) lovely neighbors

3) yule logs

4) the detox program this week at om. i’m so not detoxing, but it’s a nice way to get myself to yoga every morning this week. and the teacher had young living essential oils. she said, “if you want some, just come over here and reach out your hand like little birds.” and then she dripped some drops into each palm.

5) friends’ friends who become friend-friends

6) excellent, truth-revealing typos, e.g., meaning to write “shutterstock” and writing “shitterstock” instead. oh, also grateful for catching them before hitting “send.”

7) that i’m having a much easier time finding myself hilarious–not joke-wise, but “wow, look at how absurdly human i am”-wise. it’s much more fun than the other options.

8) how the detox yoga teacher asked us to think of one thing we can let go of this week, something we might think we need, that we don’t. hmm. can i go five days sans chocolate? do i want to? is that wise?

9) walking through prospect park at dusk. the trees are all branchy again, and fanned out against the evening sky they look so classically gorgeous, barky, spinal, evocative of pre-snuggle-in winter. it’s weird how the death part of the cycle can feel so full of life.

10) heat

1 Comment

8) i gave up chocolate—well, all sugary, dessert-type stuff—from mid-february until mid-august. wasn’t a problem at all. (i mention this because i just bought a bunch of dark-chocolate-covered almonds. 🙂

9) i can so see it. really, really lovely. thank you.

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