on-the-bus gratitude

i am grateful for:

1) d’s surgery going well, and that she has the spunk already to be annoyed with herself for not healing faster. i mean ultimately i wish for her patient self-love. but really, irritated impatience helps in hospitals. love you, girl.

2) buses with wi-fi

3) the coolness of urban river arts. great arts org in brooklyn founded by the bf’s sister. amazing fundraiser last night.

4) sprinkles. chocolate.

5) not getting completely drowned in the rain this morning

6) having multiple friends in europe right now. when to visit? hmmm…

7) synchronized texting

8) a late night snack of everything bagel, cream cheese, marilee’s tomato, and red onion

9) a/c

10) the urge to create

11) seeing so much sky this summer

12) interweaving lives. terrifying but/and good.

13) shakti

14) new towels that pass the absorbency test

15) trashy novels

16) a clean house

17) luff

18) beach towels in full use

19) sand on my apartment floor

20) that my iced coffee making skills are improving. next stop: iced coffee ice cubes for the iced coffee.

21) the little facebook details: sherry and the teacup dress she wants, nicole meeting ?uestlove, effie being irritated with all the pretty young smokers.