rainy rainy rainy day gratitude

i am grateful for:

1) the guy at the coffee/ice cream shop who unsolicitedly handed me a taster spoon of ice cream when i was having an uber-shitey day. “what is it?” i asked. “ice cream,” he said. i stared in an, i-will-ignore-your-snark way. “raspberry,” he said. and so it was. yum. i can still taste it. and whenever i think about raspberries i think about catherine in college saying that raspberries are the kisses of the fruit world. sweet, tart, just the right size. juicy.

2) making a smoothie from chocolate coconut water (!) and frozen banana. mmmm.

3) kusmi tea. an expensive habit, but oh my. tealicious.

4) clean hair.

5) seeing how an actual relationship actually works. with four feet and two hearts in, stuff gets worked through. messily, imperfectly, but somehow. cynical me is surprised. wise me is like, i told you so.

6) “the love goddess’ cooking school.” fun cooking chick lit. makes me hungry though. but it’s also making me cook. last night was wild salmon with pesto from our balcony garden basil; roasted potatoes, carrots, and garlic; and crispy kale. yumtastic.

7) the baby in the elevator this morning. she kind of looked like me when i was tiny. all light skinned and blond and blue-eyed and staring and present. it almost seemed like she wanted to say something, but being pre-verbal, could not. i’m guessing she might have said, “hi. i am a baby, but do not under-estimate me, because i am the most pure manifestation of my essential nature that i ever will be. i hope you are remembering your essential nature, because it is good. ok? thanks. wah.”

8) olive green nailpolish.

9) my perfect rainy day mug that says: “don’t worry: everything is going to be ok.” ok, mug! if you say so!

10) the idea of learning to make pasta from scratch.

11) ceilings & roofs.