i am grateful for…

1) seeing hundreds of bad-ass man-o-war in florida this weekend. turquoise, azure, violet. mad tendrils, puffy bodies like inflated condoms or translucent dumplings. and the ones still alive, moving so subtly, like snails, but in better colors. i even got a little stung by a particle of one. the remedy: hot water.

2) escaping winter for a few days. guess what? summer is real. it will come again. it will be vitamin d-licious.

3) kind emails from old friends

4) how it feels to be writing a list of my awesome qualities. it is very, very, very hard, like extracting glass from skin. but it is good and i recommend it.

5) cloud-colored nail polish

6) reviewers reviewing spider-man on broadway. it’s about time. and awfully validating.

7) swimming

8) making sliced, roasted sweet potatoes. and beets. and purple potatoes. basically anything sliced, olive-oiled, salted, tarragoned, peppered, and baked = yum.

9) feeling the pulse of the universe, just a little.

10) a self-help book binge