i-think-i-can gratitude

i am grateful for:

1) allllllmost being done with this article

2) my amazing peeps who support me through each big story. “you think i can, you think i can.” and so i can.

3) looking at apartments!

4) pink

5) s. for bringing me blue marble mocha chip

6) the coming week of not having a deadline. ahh.

7) my aunt judy, who passed yesterday. she was lovely and kind and wrote me a beautiful letter when i was sick. which i never responded to. sigh. i was going to… later. um, five years later, i am sorry, aunt judy. your words meant so much to me. i was just a bit overwhelmed and… now, well, thank you. bless you. i’m pretty sure you’re having a big angel party with uncle jim right now. yay.

8) orange leaves. seasons. reliable transitions that make us understand that everything changes, inevitably, cyclically, non-personally, non-punishingly. we are here, we are gone, we are back. we cycle and it is simple and solid and natural and good as the leaves.

9) going apple-picking next weekend! the urban nature-lovers activity! now, to find an organic orchard…

10) maggie gyllenhal’s latest haircut. and i’m sorry magster, but i will never spell your name or reccomend, or judgement correctly. i accept that. but thanks for the hairspiration!