post-storm gratitude

i am grateful for:

1) trees. r.i.p, all the brooklyn trees. (queens too.) prospect park looked all sad yesterday. an entire grove gone. a gigantic maple split by lightning. and the streets around here are like tree massacres. limbs and leaves all over. and as bc said “it’s not fair, it’s not like the strong trees were saved.” nope trees with strong roots in the wrong windpath, whoomp. there’s a metaphor there, methinks.

2) not working in a cubicle

3) staying vaguely disciplined despite that

4) re-loving my mini-tramp

5) bark’s veggie dog with sauerkraut and mustard

6) getting to call smart strangers and ask them questions about topics i care about. yay, journalism.

7) pumpkin season

8) claritin. take that, ragweed. (achoo!)

9) how the fallen leaves actually make the streets seem like they have magic green carpet

10) starting to get back in the groove

11) making my first tagine the other night. thanks, mark bittman.

12) all my preggster friends. you’re all bursting with new life and it’s cool.

13) my new favorite obsession: toe reading. next week, i’m taking a picture and sending it off to be read.

14) talking about the real stuff after avoiding the real stuff. whew.

15) jewelry-making classes near my house

16) seeing lovely friends again