inaugural week gratitude

on this chilly january night with a new, lovely, non-bush president in office, i am grateful for:

1) my arms–they’re getting a teeny bit buff
2) “friends” on dvd
3) that i’ll be starting a new blog for work, link tk
4) feeling energy in my body
5) avocado
6) the memory of kisses
7) boy talks with j
8) green’s organic 70% cocoa dark chocolate
9) city bakery
10) knowing that part of the political nightmare really, really is over. like a dream. like that faux nyt from a month or so ago. gitmo closing. a sane person at the wheel. sigh.
11) that even tho i got off at the wrong stop (stupid interesting dfw article) tonight, ending up in deep brooklyn, it only took like 15 minutes to reverse. mta’s alright.