long time no gratitude gratitude

nyc from governor's island. photo by brad.
nyc from governor's island. photo by brad.

i am grateful for:

1) a day-long migraine finally relenting

2) a clean apartment, largely purged of ex-boyfriend paraphernalia, lurking junk, and dust creatures

3) quiet

4) tank top weather

5) friends who remind me to do gratitude lists

6) lying on tennis balls (laying?)

7) that change is good. right? it’s all about flow or the essence of a supple, growing, living life or something. like this: “Everything in our experience — our bodies, our minds, our thoughts, our wants and needs, our relationships — is fleeting. Changing. Subject to death. We die in each moment and again, in each moment, we are born. The process of birth and death goes on endlessly, moment after moment, right before our eyes. Everything we look at, including ourselves and every aspect of our lives, is nothing but change. Vitality consists of this very birth and death. This impermanence, this constant arising and fading away, are the very things that make our lives vibrant, wonderful, and alive. Yet we usually want to keep things from changing. We want to preserve things, to hold onto them. This desire to hold on, to somehow stop change in its tracks, is the greatest source of woe and horror and trouble in our lives.” From Buddhism Plain and Simple by Steve Hagan

8) homemade watermelon popsicles

9) the brooklyn scavengers–i keep setting things outside my building and they keep going, fast. except a little black makeup bag and the amma books and the single stone drawer pull

10) noticing my passive-aggressive tendencies. ok, having them pointed out. i like that. because that’s not how i wanna roll. so, hi, passive-aggressive comment, how are you? i keep thinking that pema would want me to be friendly to it and me.

11) the smell of pizza coming into my apartment. it makes me want pizza. but after a 12-hour headache and much vomiting, seems like not a great idea. i will feast on the scent.

12) a fun book i’m reading: “the secret (of happiness)” a cheesy, page-turning thriller about an unhappy billionaire.

13) purple haze goat cheese–lavender and fennel chevre

14) the angels who i’m pretty sure love me even when i’m feeling pathetic and sad and totally uncertain.

15) spearhead on governor’s island. such a gorgeous place for a concert. omg.

16) leaf shadows that make the sidewalk look like dappled water