today’s gratitude list

9:08pm on a thursday night. quiet, warm, encroaching cool.

1) that this week (the hard part) is ovah!

2) for the wonderful friendship and existence of k., whose birthday is tomorrow.

3) that dara dactyl caved to facebook

4) walt whitman

5) the rare lie that works. in that it protects your true heart in a real, non-defensive way against someone who is inadvertently (or not) reckless. and that’s coming from ms. quaker-raised, dyed-in-the-wool, no-lie-is-a-good-lie gal.

6) that i’m looking very, sweetly forward to the weekend

7) re-reading this from marge piercy:

“The real writer is one
who really writes. Talent
is an invention like phlogiston
after the fact of fire.
Work is its own cure. You have to
like it better than being loved.”

8) the softening (in every way) power of the bath

9) that i can feel the pulse of my life

10) the semi-news fast that i’m on. i feel guilty for not knowing much about what’s going on, but it’s also deliciously calm and freeing.

what are you grateful for today?

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