theft gratitude

ok, gratitude list, let’s see what you can do with this day.

i am grateful for….

1) the thief who stole my bag from under my nose at a cafe for not robbing me or assaulting me or in any way even appearing in sight.

2) how nice the restaurant manager was–watching the tape, offering to help, etc.

3) the windfall farm crew for looking in the van and generally hanging out and giving a shit.

4) running into the delovely miss d, despite getting jacked, it was so nice to chat and catch up and see her sweet smiling face. we were roommates in high school.

5) supportive friends

6) no one charging a trip to guam before i could shut everything down

7) having a safety net and support

8) the nice little feeling i had this morning when i was buzzing along talking to well-known authors, editing actual content, answering emergency situations, handling shit. until i kinda melted down over one tiny email that triggered a whole avalanche of no one appreciates me self-pity, which triggered anger, then shame, then a sort of stoned, sulky feeling that made me pretty much unable to get much done after. but i am grateful that i got to track it, because usually i just get slammed with waves of feelings and unexpressed reactions and don’t know what hit me. so, progress.

9) our yoga teacher also being a photo producer for

10) seeing a guy on the train last night grooming his arm hairs by petting them all so the nap was going in the same direction.

11) espresso chocolate malt balls from kalustyans on lex

12) the buzz

13) pema

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