monday in november gratitude

i am grateful for:

1) doing 5 loads of laundry–and putting them all away

2) organizing, bill-paying, dealing. still lots more, but a dent has been made. also, look ma, no dirty dishes!

3) making it to yoga with j–so much better with a buddy

4) our new work leaving ritual: “sleep well.” it started as an accident of mine, like mistakenly signing a business letter “love.” but it’s nice. i’d like work to be cozier. i’d like life to be cozier. all the coziness i can muster. cozy, cozy, cozy.

5) dinner with l.s.n.t. tonight. glad for a 20-year friendship.

6) purple

7) toes

8) bunnies, again

9) baby panda pictures

10) the full week ahead which will hopefully keep me from overly ruminating on upcoming test. test. test. this is a test of the emergency check-up system. if it was more than a test, you’d know. but it is just a test, so please stand by. your call is important to us.

11) espresso chocolate malt balls from kalustyans, five at a time

12) puns that work both ways

13) getting to work on cool stuff and feeling like more of an editor

14) the very end of yoga class, where i do the seal and say shanti, shanti, shanti. i just read that the first shanti is for yourself, the second for everyone you know, the third for the world

15) memories of making out

16) stars

17) maybe just being solo on t-day, not family-crashing, not tagging along or squeezing in, which i often love, but just being quiet. i miss just being quiet. that and gutting the hell out of my bedroom closet and redoing my entire filing system. paaaaartay!

18) obama’s face

19) this amazing venn diagram of bittersweetness via boing boing (click to enlarge)

20) the phrase “click to enlarge”


i love this, v.

4) i really love this.

10) it’s just a test. but i’ll be thinkin’ ’bout you.

15) yeah—me, too. been a while. and kissing is, like, my favorite thing to do. (did i just say that for the whole world to see? 😉

20) i laughed out loud.


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