om monday padme hum gratitude

i am grateful for…

1) red cat, the restaurant

2) albino pumpkins

3) the glorious fall days

4) that i haven’t completely lost my mojo

5) trading in the sigh, stupidphone, for a slightly smarterphone. with much lower radiation levels.

6) the chelsea hotel sign

7) the hated yet precious impulse to write poetry about someone i should have stopped wanting to write poetry about a long while ago. it’s that spark that writes haiku, the stupidphone, wagging tail, lit-up, i’ll-always-like you part that doesn’t go away no matter how smart or cynical or savvy or self-protective my intellect knows i should be. the smitten inner fifth grader full of hope that writes poems in all of our diaries. thanks, you, even tho i am not always so grateful-seeming, i am grateful for your blazing purity of spunk.

8) orange

9) the movie “funny people.” really very, very funny. especially, i imagine when watched without growner grownups.

10) snacking on nori

11) how a new surge of fearing death is instructing me in tenderness

12) the word smitten

13) my hot new hair

14) having party conversations about real things–organizational psychology, sustainable design, love and astrology, tango

15) the veggie bean burger at abigail’s in crown heights

16) that i’m going to see “wishful drinking” on friday

17) getting drenched in the rain. like jeans-made-shiny drenched

18) drying out

19) delicious, crisp, light, and slightly fruity white wine that the hot, married waiter in the wheelchair called “gorgeous.”

20) the notion of a break soon. because i’m guessing it’s a bad sign that when someone sneezes lately, or coughs, or hums, or breathes too loudly, or clicks their tongue, or says “um,” my first thought is “shut up!” right? deeeeeep breaths.

21) a refrigerator with no rotting food at all in it

22) how sexy fall makes me feel. all that possibility.

23) asian pears

24) thank you notes for muffins

25) good neighbors

26) really long gratitude lists

27) the bluths

28) feeling clean

29) how the train rails look like they’re being injected with light when the first subway car rounds the corner

30) the prospect of reading john irving’s latest

31) home, by marilynne robinson

32) cooked tomatoes


re: 7—guess i don’t know that impulse. with me, it’s all ‘sideways,’ by citizen cope.

thank you for such a generous list (incl. hot hair photo).

I just read your fantastic post here. It seems like we share the attitude that “Gratitude is good for you.” Grateful Nation is an online community that gives grateful people the opportunity and resources to connect, give back, and be thankful. Jump into the unending cycle of gratitude ~

Thank you, Vanessa

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