
i am grateful for
having a blog to vent on
that you still read it

gratitude tells me
that beyond my muss and fuss
there is an altar

gratefulness fills me
so that there’s less room for crap
and space for the moon

in a yoga class
i released into vast space
no more clammy clutch

the stars and i merged
no biggie at all, just real
permeable me

i glimpsed a free world
we can be vast and contained
fist becomes a hand

the feet know their place
the mind is not separate
compassion makes sense

then i was me now
tears flowing, pulling ankles
filling with sexy

yogis don’t want need
it pulls us off the spirit track
and into yearning

how do you embrace
the starving monsters of need?
how do you feed them?

we lie on our backs
tears pool in my ears–look, look
showing off my pain

now here, late, cold, dense
old love growing in the fridge
spotted and not food

i keep trying it
growing zebra stripes and birds
love is L.S.D.

i trip and i slip
and i end up in the tub
filling it with tears

morning will bring sun
will remind me you are food
that i can’t eat now

food i can’t wait for
ghost food that doesn’t exist
rotten food that does

light. i recall light.
from a source other than you.
calm that is all mine.

thank you. thank you. thank.
you. thank you, thank you, thank you.
thanks, to you, thanks much.





nuthatch loves the tree.
whitetail bounding up the hill
takes the rain in stride.

that was the best haiku i have ever read!
i loved the imagery of tears pooling inside of ears…
i haven’t cried my big cry about my trip to india yet,
but can feel the emotions welling up inside.
i did cry heaving tears while i was there, maybe that was it
and there are no more… singing the hanuman chalisa in vrindavan- with a very special person – i can’t wait to tell you that story!!!
i want to come to nyc soon – so we can have tea and talk…
hope you feel better!
xokeeses back – j

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