just plain gratitude, gratitude

i am grateful for:

1) friends

2) heart-shaped stones

3) long-overdue, necessary-to-healing anger

4) june

5) completion

6) poems

7) this, which i copied down out of a book the other night and forgot entirely (i was half asleep) until tonight: “…you don’t think enough of yourself. so you accept shit. this has to stop! for the rest of your life, you should never be near anyone who does not love you very deeply or honor the [spiritual] work very highly, preferably both. you must insist on it even if emotionally you don’t care. The time for anything less has passed. If anyone does not appreciate what you are inside at this point, leave them.”

8) wherever this strength is coming from when i want to fall apart completely. tho maybe i need to fall apart completely for a little while.

9) the brooklyn museum

10) the weirdo-cool flowers outside the prospect park richard meier building. i don’t know what they’re called, but they look like supersize dandelions but not fluffy, dry.