gratitudinal on a wednesday

full of taco salad, stress, and gladness

I’m Grateful For….

1) gustav not being any extra-worse

2) getting to yoga at the ishta place

3) that i get to chill with the gals and eat good food tomorrow eve

4) my relatively calm brain (go figure. not grasping too hard, not looping too much, not trying to let something go so hard that it’s holding on. yay.)

5) noticing, in this relative calmness, the Urge to Shop. i almost just followed it to club monaco because it gave me a really good reason: “you need fall clothes.” then i was like, “huh, do i?” and “let’s just see what happens when we don’t sate the shopping urge.” i mean what if we just check it out (sorry, pun), and see what it’s about. preliminary answers: tossing extra energy i don’t know what to do with; filling a feed-me need; wanting a distraction from work that seems sparkly and fun and doable. so, seeing if it passes before i get to banana.

6) having a new good motivation to scrabble a not-perfect-but-done proposal draft together by next week*

7) the continuing fun-bliss of “ganesh is fresh”

8) that everyone seems to have something to say about the election

9) for my friend r.l. who was born tomorrow

10) impending sleeeeeep

& you

* split infinitives and all