monday monday gratitude

i am grateful for:

1) suuuunnnnshiiiine!!!!!!

2) swimming in freezing salt water, gazing at gorgeous saltwater, watching clouds fill and shift with light and color

3) sand massaging my arches

4) being able to talk about grown-up chick stuff

5) that my yoga journal love article is finally out, fully intact, and gorgeously illustrated. so happy after all that moaning and groaning and figuring out how to talk about love when feeling not so hot about love (it’s a capitalist lie meant to disempower us and enable our insecurities so we must buy things to fill the void, and, and. yeah.) love. come if you like, if you plan to stay awhile. please, have a cuppa and tell me a story.

6) soft grass

7) the seagull who smashed a shell from 20 feet in the air then picked it back up and flew away

8) looking for another way

9) seeing nate and blair one foot away from me filming gossip girl

10) having new underwear (laundry time)

11) big daddy’s chocolate shakes. yeah, i know. it’s a biannual event. but man, so glad to meet the craving. i feel so much more solid with some whipped up haagen dazs in me.

12) cats that cuddle each other

13) doing full wheel with relative ease on my own, in the grass. solo yoga, my body feels so much safer and more able to open. but no one but me gets to be impressed.

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1 Comment

hey v. thanks for the lovely comment on my blog. i wrote back on that same link… but also wanted to say – YAY for sand, sea, sunshine, wheel, chocolate, new underwear and published articles!!! am so happy for you, a teensy eensy bit envious,for the beach part:) it’s ok, i can paint one and hopefully go to one soon…….ahhhh, and i used to be able to do wheel……. big hugs, j

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