birthday gratitude!

do aries like their birthdays more than other humans? it would not shock me. i love my birthday. whenever i can, like today, i take off work. today i am having a lovely day even tho it is gray and cold out there because i am in birthday mind. in birthday mind, each moment of negativity is countered with “it’s my birthday.” which suddenly leads to a deep breath or an action i wouldn’t normally take. like at the farmer’s market today i asked for the banana nut muffin, then noticed they had blueberry. normally i would have sucked it up so not to be high maintenance or something, even tho the guy hadn’t even gotten to the muffins area yet. but today i was like, “it’s my birthday!” and so i asked for the blueberry instead.

went to a yoga class at jivamukti with a teacher i’m getting to like. both classes i’ve taken he’s talked about sex (not sayin’ that’s why i like him but it is kind of refreshing). today he talked about not wanting sex for what it gives us, but rather learning to fill up with our own sexuality so we have something to offer to others when it comes time for that. he talked about not relying on other people, mates in particular, to fill us. this is not news, obviously, but it got me crying in bow, the pose where this all came up as we gently rocked on our second chakras, “untying” some of the potent energy in there.

i was all a-dizzied and teary and chilled after that, had a weird moment of coffee and egg at te adore, a long line at trader joe’s, all hectic and rainy. but at home there were purple flowers and vegan brownies waiting. thanks mom. and thanks b. birthday love. i’m now all fragrant from a lovely lavender scrub bath and facial and, well, heading out for a circle around the hood. maybe the museum? the park? the cheap massage? we’ll see.

other things i’m grateful for on my birthday:

1) the mix i made myself for today

2) widening my stance in warrior 2

3) facebook birthdays

4) being sunny on the inside when it’s stormy on the outside

5) freeze dried bananas from trader joe’s

6) re-reading high fidelity by nick hornby

7) the way the tan bricks in the building across the street are glowing with whatever sunlight is being squeezed through the clouds

8) walt whitman

9) doing a tv interview about lemons this week. and that there will be a follow-up!

10) getting borned