friday night gratitude

sorry, folks. i’ve been way distracted by the new blog and things going on at work and in my crazy life that feels really star-wars-trash-compactor scene right now. so it’s high time for some gratitudinal action, yo.

i am grateful for:
1) gizmo, my step-sister’s little puppy with a cone around its head
2) having a nice chat with lw on facebook just now about men and love and stuff
3) emu oil!
4) that two colleagues actually swept me away and helped me out because apparently it was obvious i was drowning. totally touched.
5) being brave enough to end a complicated (non-romantic) relationship. or at least change the terms dramatically. i think i’m getting better at trying to get my needs met in more direct, less emotional ways.
6) my pink silk nighty. silk is so soft, it makes me feel so comforted.
7) going to prana power yoga with j after work today even tho i had gone to kula in the morning. sooo sweaty and stress-wringing
8) new cute shoes–zappos i heart you
9) l.l. cool j’s “backseat of my jeep.” it’s so bad and so good and makes me want to dance all night lawg, baybee
10) that i’m getting my haircut tomorrow/today
11) coffee
12) i know i keep saying this, but my amazing friends who all keep me on track, some with heavier lifting than others, all with so much love.
13) my new foam roller. you need one too:
14) the glorious turquoise ocean i swam in last weekend. florida.
15) working out with rocco the trainer–he of the foam roller
16) that the new blog is doing well and giving me an outlet of sorts
17) venus, even though she is retrograding like a motha right now…