late-night hump-day gratitude

i am grateful for…
1) purging my house of extra stuff
2) spending a lot less time on facebook
3) the sunshine today
4) that the other blog is doing well
5) organic chocolate milk
6) spending 7 hours on work-work this weekend
7) that i signed up for an 8-week essays-to-memoir class today that starts tomorrow
8) fierce yoga with s. and c. last night @ the fierce club
9) that the story is going to fact-check bedtime out-of-my-hands time
10) lush shea butter bath bombs
11) that i’m getting upstate this weekend
12) organizing
13) running into j. just before he left town and him telling me about how the sedona method uses “letting go” and “welcoming” synonymously
14) getting allergy tested today–so interesting; the ragweed one blew up to the size of a quarter
15) cauliflower
16) natasha, r.i.p.
17) getting to see and catch up with the lovely r. (and my first visit to tabla!)
18) talking to another olde maui friend on the phone. lovely to connect and hear about that island i so miss and love
19) that all this pain in my heart must mean i’m alive (right? or is it joy that determines that?). i’m ok, just like, enough, already, universe. you know?