morning-after-a-wedding gratitude

sometimes i think i save up all my feelings for the weekend, when i actually have a moment to feel them. so, it’s a watery day here. i dunno. weird to go to a wedding alone that you were invited to with someone, for starters. i’m feeling in over my head in so many ways. but maybe it’s just the sunday swell talking.


i am grateful for:
1) coffee (i know, wtf? since when do i drink a little coffee every day? but i’m just trying to trust that it’s a phase)
2) that i got to read a sad, beautiful neruda love sonnet last night at the wedding
3) the cool wedding officiant friend of d’s i met who encouraged me to write my book
4) chuppahs
5) tears that cleanse
6) the crispy fall weather
7) bed
8) butter by nadia wrap dresses
9) that i’ve kept my facebook fast, minus about 30 seconds this morning.
10) tina freaking fey