empty-brain gratitude

i am grateful for:

1) the leaves kindly falling and allowing the light in my apartment

2) the word “magnanimous”

3) peace cranes

4) finding a buddha in a corner of an abandoned office that’s just like the buddha on my desk

5) this, that came in my “bug bite” chocolate square the other day: “golden emperor moth: the male moth is recognized by bushy, feathered antennae and angular forewings. adult moths have primitive mouthparts and do not feed. the caterpillars are a striking dark brown color with yellow triangles along each side and metallic blue protrusions along the dorsal surface. they feed on vines until they are ready to spin their wild silk cocoons.” wow, right? not a wasted word and every sentence is gorgeous and i want nothing more than to watch insects now.

6) the idea of being ready to spin a wild silk cocoon

7) friendliness. the word, the concept, the reminder.

8) whomever invented houseplants

9) cranberries

10) three-day work weeks

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