home again, home again gratitude

i am grateful for/that:

1) the magical cloudscape from the plane window. truly. magical. puffy peaks and dips and light filling the white and baby blue and sunshine yellow and impossible not to imagine yourself flying through them and thinking that you could, that there must be a way because it is so right, the idea of flying through those clouds. and then thinking about the idea of possibilities and if they really are infinite then maybe you could, even if it’s with lucid dreaming. and then thinking that no wonder we idolize heaven as a place because the sky is so pristine and lovely and perfect and we can’t stay because gravity won’t let us, so these beautiful clouds and the light are things we can’t keep and a place we can’t stay which is why we want them so badly. i turned and the guy in the middle seat was looking too, his face lit up with little-kid awe and we traded a look that said, wow, magic clouds.

2) home. it’s not boulder, but it’s purple and green and has all my books.

3) that i have a whole experiece to integrate

4) that the delay was only four hours and after that travel safe and uneventful

5) thank you cards

6) getting to go on a hike this morning before the plane. and the smell of the sky and the sun and the crazy rory-gilmore’s eyes blue sky. and poppies. and the flatirons. and the rockies.

7) john denver

8) the per-minute massage place at the denver airport. arlene rocks.

9) giving away paper hearts

10) luff

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