i am grateful for:
1) the way the clouds out my window over manhattan are bruised but full of light.
2) next month = 10-year cancerversary. lots of feelings.
3) this month = baby boy turns ONE. lots of other feelings, some overlapping and related to above.
4) grady’s cold brew with om almond milk over ice in a mason jar.
5) working from home.
6) possibilities that might shake things up around here, in a good way.
7) children’s books. he eats them more than he pays attention to me eating them, but i love having them around.
8) toys, ibid.
9) a partner who is a full-on dad. not a babysitter dad. but an equal parent. which burns sometimes when baby boy likes him better, but overall, so blessed.
10) walking! baby boy taking first steps and first uncertain jaunts across the room. it’s like seeing kermit ride a bike in the muppet movie. strange because you just don’t associate that kind of movement from him. amazing because it looks so free. and sad because, not like kermit, my baybeeeeee!
11) a slow and steady fall.
12) staying mostly centered despite the terrors out there.
13) socks. goodhew is the brand, cozy is the feeling.
14) cooking curry dishes. and mexican and italian and chinese. yum.
15) amy poehler’s smart girls organization. tag line: change the world by being yourself. amaaaazeballs.