close-to-the-clouds gratitude

i am grateful for:

1) realizing that if i sit at our food table pointing toward manhattan i have the best view for working–blue sky, fluffy clouds, trees, manhattan in a little bouquet of gray and green. i’ve never really bought the annie dillard, “good writers stare at brick walls” thing.

2) that stumptown coffee now sells coldbrew in bottles. so yum.

3) honest talks with old friends. even when they’re hard.

4) my closet-switch being over till spring. the sadness in saying goodbye to bikinis is assuaged by the joy of greeting sweaters.

5) my awesome manfriend and how we go through, together. not around, alone.

6) writing letters, on paper, with stamps.

7) mini pumpkins.

8) that k is home after the hospital ordeal. so relieved for her recovery and the amazing (in the truest sense) twins.

9) holding a 5-day-old bebe. like a beautiful alien, come to earth.

10) the warm vibe among my people for occupy wall street. it’s something like a community.

11) yurts.