
i am grateful for:

1) not having hiccups all the time.

2) weekends with my sweetie, even (and maybe especially) snowed-in ones.

3) that the snow tree damage wasn’t too-too bad. sniff. rip, awesome trees who died doing their usual foliage thing, not expecting an october blizzard. and rip too the baby birdies who didn’t make it out in time.

4) the art of katie daisy. see at left.

5) visiting the new twins. wow. just wow. the work. the howling. the peacefulness they radiate when calm, like a forcefield of total zen chill cosmic silent love. amazing.

6) the hope that this new case (tested by wired) will help me not feel sick from EMFs every time i use my iphone.

7) running for seven entire minutes today in the park on soft surface. seriously that’s more than i’ve run since high school.

8) making lentil-pumpkin soup this weekend. delish.

9) helping people organize and move around furniture and generally spruce up their home space to make it more functional and beautiful.

10) listening to an old tape i have of a channeler in maui who told me at age 23 that i was creative but scared. and “reaching for happiness with both hands.”

1 Comment

Dude. Did you know we have that exact Katie Daisy print in Ben’s room? It was my very first purchase for him. We kind of designed his whole nursery around it. And I kind of want to design his whole life around its message. Love!

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