on-the-bolt-bus gratitude

i am grateful for:

1) getting to see j. in from mexico, a few lovely times.

2) the second dazzling sunset of the week. hot pink, purple stripes. i’ll take three yards, please.

3) trees. seeing them, knowing i will see more of them.

4) breathing. (you know i’m having a hard time of it when this comes on the list. but it truly is good. because it means alive. even when alive means pain. i mean, i think so, good, i mean, right?)

5) tennis. i’m glad i was raised with it, even though i was never good at it and don’t play anymore. it makes watching more exciting, knowing how it feels to be on a court chasing a neon yellow ball that you have to always watch while bending your knees and positioning your body and pulling back your arm and making contact just so.

6) dara. even when the news is the worst she is the best.

7) running into people, even when those people hassle me for not responding to an email.

8) wifi that travels.

9) all the yoga ladies. (“all the yoga ladies, all the yoga ladies! raise your hands up! om om om om om om om om om om om….”)

10) touch. how delicious it feels to be soothed by a simple stroke of my back with his hand. full body purr.

11) the fact that even long-ass bus rides end. they do, right?