earth day gratitude

i am grateful for:

1) blazing sunsets

2) moss. especially the soft, peaty kind that feels like something velvet should envy.

3) elephants. i just got to write about elephants and am more in love than ever. things i’ve learned: elephants don’t like mint, or chili. so plant those if you’re trying to deter them from eating your sugarcane and rice crops. don’t buy uncertified palm oil–palm is one of the biggest reasons that elephant habitat is lost. also, people can be horribly cruel. and elephants like beer.

4) touch. that we can percieve it, give it, feel it.

5) the smell of wet forest

6) night-blooming jasmine

7) tigers

8) ferns. so ancient and elegant and dignified.

9) waterfalls

10) eddies at the ocean’s edge. the kind that get warm in the sun and feel amazing on your bare feet as you walk, bundled, at sunset.

11) whale song. click, moo. click click. magic.

12) goats–especially baby goats

13) when animals appear to smile

14) kale, cucumbers, apples, custard apples, pomegranates, mustard seed, cilantro, dill, bananas

15) the smell of grass up close

16) balmy breezes

17) lake scent at night

18) juicy full moons

19) powdery white sand

20) volcanos, especially the ones that still ooze. how badass is that? live lava. love.

21) stars

22) pure, prana-filled spring water and the way it makes you feel alive, flowing with a current–the current.