cold gratitude

i am grateful for:

1) warm bath water, the only thing that is keeping me warm these days.

2) apple replacing my macbook air–which died after 6 weeks of living with me–with minimal fuss

3) the deva premal pandora station (thanks, alice!)

4) loren’s amazing baked french toast from the gourmet cookbook

5) our very scrappy indian cooking class: no instruction, no explanation, but a wonderful immersion in the sights and smells of four chefs making many dishes of goodness. and learning about curry leaves and asafoetida. yum.

6) getting to eat said indian dishes. fresh-off-the-griddle dosa.

7) knowing spring will indeed come. right?

8) a good, solid vacuum session

9) clean floors

10) sitting on heating pads. this is not sexy, this is ass survival.

11) zappos bringing me bright orange sneakers today. with aqua laces.

12) sleep

13) the chiropractor okaying yoga class again. whew.

14) delicious dinner: fresh spinach linguine with red sauce. stir-fried green beans, onion, shitakes, yellow tomatoes, and zuke. plus garlic and olive oil and salt.

15) remembering the spiritual salt trick christopher taught me ages ago: bless it. it’s a crystal and will absorb your good intentions while you hold it in your hand.

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