
i am grateful for

1) the bluest suede blue sky, the platonic ideal of skyness. perfect

2) five loads of laundry

3) colorcoded clothes closets (soooo amazing)

4)  drunk with change and how it’s always here wiggling our molecules as we sort through papers and clothing. the plot is bigger, deeper, to change everything while we change the spot for the chip clips that aren’t in use.

5) that ladytime arrived on a weekend. love that it’s the opposite of the rain-on-a-weekend phenom. i get to be miserable in my house, which actually makes me happy.

6) that l. said i should wear more red

7) buying a new wallet. after, sigh, grr, losing and then not having the cabdriver return it. bad people. but cute new wallet.

8) jon stewart

9) the stick and bone shop on christopher

10) book 2 in the twighlight saga. she’s got me good.

11) trampolining! playlist suggestions? please????? funk bounce.

12) the first fall leaves

13) that claritin mostly works

14) accomplishing things

15) my sweet miele

16) drew

17) the notion that my friends who can do things that i can’t are helping me out somehow just by doing the things that they do–genius by osmosis? italian by osmosis, transitive creativity, contagious radical classiness.

sllllleeeeeeeeppp. luv u.


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