movement of the forward kind gratitude

i am grateful for:

1) e. and the great buddy work

2) the idea of trying my new earl grey/lavender tea

3) whole foods

4) the color of the sky last night at dusk–it was periwinkle

5) realizing that sometimes no response is actually the best response of all

6) long, unchewed fingernails

7) that i’m getting a haircut tomorrow night

8) getting through these crazy stressful days

9) working hard at yoga last night. moving through some perceived limits gently.

10) sarah w’s advice about urdvah danurasana. it’s vulnerable. be gentle. be nice to yourself. thanks, sarah.

11) getting my heart back

12) sleep

13) obama

14) friiiiiiiiiiiiiiddddddddddddddddaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy


i like your idea about the no response thing…. not trying to figure out the why of it, but just being with it… and being compassionate for yourself and for the other… that other may not be in a place right now to respond fully… getting to say your words… is a good thing. hope you have a lovely weekend!!! we are off to boston to see our friend’s photo show and visit another friend… so glad to be going away! xo

You know, I’ve been fascinated watching how hard camel pose is for me these days. It’s that heart– keeping it protected I guess! But class by class, trying to gently get under there a little more and allow it to open and breathe. Deep stuff.

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