the night before friday gratitude

i am grateful for…

1) optical insurance
2) being home and snuggly after a hard, brain-soggy day
3) the gorgeous rainbow chard i steamed for dinner
4) vere tangerine chocolate (thanks, s., for the intro)
5) deciding to stay home tonight
6) that i’m going to hang out with my 10th grade boyfriend tomorrow night (i mean i don’t have a boyfriend who is in 10th grade, but, you know, the person i dated when i was)
7) that my new co-blog is thisclose to launching
8) getting a little bit deeper that not everything is my fault
9) mary
10) saraswati
11) strong feet


ha! i have the same problem when i refer to “my high school girlfriend.” i’ve learned to change that to “my girlfriend from high school” (who is still a dear friend).

looking forward to the new co-blog.

(strong feet = good.)

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