post-election gratitude

hi. the internal drama quotient seems to have ebbed with my hormones and deadline and the election. whew. and pending vacation makes it all the more calm. i still haven’t booked anything yet. eep. in the morning, i think.

so. i am grateful….

1) for the internal strength to get things done without a full-time hand-holder
2) for my amazing friends who held my hand
3) freshly shampooed and dried hair
4) this turtleneck minidress i wore today. yoga’s giving me good legs again. is it ok to be grateful for hot legs? i’m deciding it is.
5) i’m grateful for good, strong legs
6) obama bliss
7) the feeling that finally, finally the sane one won
8) the feeling i had in yoga class last night of recognizing myself. “i’m me,” i thought. do you know that feeling? when you kind of fall into yourself and are like, “hey, self! there you are. i’ve missed you.” and then you start actually yearning for you, that moment of me-ness, of not feeling separate inside.
9) that i’m going to journeydance with toni tomorrow night at jivamukti. squee!
10) i’m plain sad and outraged about california tho. not sure how to turn that into something grateful. grateful for the solidarity that will no doubt rise up and maybe, eventually put an end to this stoooopid fucking nonsense to regulate love.
11) garlic
12) this gilmore girls/lorelai quote i picked up tonight: “as long as everything is exactly the way i want it, i’m totally flexible.”
13) letting go of letting go, for the moment

1 Comment

yay. i couldn’t agree more w/ no. 5 — locomotion’s underrated. (i’m sure grateful for what all those miles of bike-riding have done for mine this year.)

also nos. 10 (gr) and 11 (mm).

answer to no 4: yes. yes, it is.

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