i’m grateful for…

a bunch of stuff.

1) samba and brasil day and dancing

2) that i’m going to omega tomorrow to dance and chant and swim (tho i’m not sure it’s possible to be grateful for something that hasn’t happened yet. is it?)

3) shared mastery

4) knowing that i’m not the only one who finds ground zero to be energetically bereft and devastated, still

5) basically everything that’s happened in the last 30 hours or so

6) that i have a couple of extra days off

7) “smoke and mirrors” by RJD2

8) restaurant tables with paper and crayons

9) yoga teachers who aren’t afraid to touch your sweaty back

10) women who can really, really dance

1 Comment

I think the things that haven’t happened yet are the best things to be grateful for — because it means that you’ve got hope and trust in all that abundance.

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