friday night gratitude

what i’m grateful for on a quiet solo eve in brooklyn on labor day weekend.

1) Getting a seat on the subway tonight
2) Meditating in my room for a full half hour
3) The people who are somewhat convincing me that Sarah Palin doesn’t spell disaster for the Obama campaign
4) Avocado
5) That I was able to talk myself down from a hormone-inspired inner turbulence (though not before almost crying in frustration in front of my boss and surely upsetting him and then me and then him because that’s how those things seem to go)
6) That I’m able to say “I forgive you” to me for that and almost sort of mean it (“I’m sorry” to him is hopefully next)
7) That dudes are checking me out
8) The incredible Labor Day weekend in NYC quietude
9) That the fruit flies seem to have simmered down–they were really replicating for a while there
10) This fortune cookie quote on my wall: “Your blessing is being safe and sound for your whole lifetime”