songs called valerie

in my still-sickish stupor, was just thinking to do a little vanity compilation, but hey, looks like someone named roberta (my mom’s name, oddly) beat me to it here with this list of songs and videos called valerie.

and woah, valerie has its very own wikipedia entry! (i might like to amend the “val” thing it says there–as in “some valeries really really hate to be called val. Please check with them first before lopping off two perfectly lovely syllables with your lazy, overly-familiar knife.” but, um, yeah.

ok and mid-writing this, i swear, my lovely friend kristine posted this on my facebook wall. my fave valerie song indeed. and realizing none of this is very interesting to anyone not named valerie.


Maybe you can help. I was sure Elton John did a song with Valerie in the lryics if not in the title. It was on one of his first albums, or so I thought. The song I am thinking of says, Valerie is crying and also Valerie is lonely, that’s all I remember about it, it’s very acoustic.

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