pink thoughts, gray day gratitude

i am grateful for:

1) an awesome creative support team–you help me make stuff look pretty and keep me off my writing tuchas.

2) getting to see jai uttal tomorrow night with my sweets!

3) making delicious roasted veggies–so easy, so yum. with winter squash, beets, potatoes, cauliflower, eggplant, and garlic.

4) signing up for NaNWriMo!

5) rose quartz! stay tuned for more adventures in rose quartz.

6) my appreciative eater of a gentleman friend. so nice to feed him happy.

7) actually doing ideas.

8) therapy breakthroughs–just because it’s fear doesn’t mean it needs to be banished.

9) hot pink on a gray day.

10) quinoa. really. i mean someone should write an ode. who, me? well, if you insist.

ode to quinoa

tight coil, heated, watered, becomes a loose spring

of ancient protein that looks like a diaphragm or unrolled condom.

flavor blooms like a fluffy cloud, all together, molecules of air made large.

a delicate, strong, delicious scaffold for bigger, creamier, denser foods. dances with avocado, holds up stir-fry, merges with egg to become a patty.

all the while making me think of hungry, husking mayans, quinoa sacks leaking a small stream of grains like me with my plastic bag at the grocery store harvest.

lost grains a gift to the gods, who surely love quixotic, queer, quirky quinoa.

because it’s the best.

in return, they bestow a particular kind of blessings to the world. light, sustaining, quinoaic.

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