retrospective gratitude

i think i was supposed to write this last week, but here goes:

things i am grateful for that happened in 2010


2010 gratitude

1) growing a sweet relationship with my sweets

2) traveling: jamaica, martha’s vineyard, western mass, vermont, rhode island, woodstock, jersey, chicago, paris, rotterdam

3) kirtans: krishna das, donna delory, mc yogi, and more

4) yoga: especially elena brower. but also marjorie nass, nikki, alison, and more.

5) basement bhangra with brad

6) getting freed from the cube

7) yoga teacher training

8) 9-day vipassana

9) moving in with a boy, first time ever

10) growing. not sure how, exactly. my brain is a little squinched and my vision gray-tinted today, but i’m pretty sure i took some major steps in letting go, accepting, stepping up, and claiming responsibility, yadda. also in being more kind.

11) five years cancer-free

12) cooking more

13) being with all my beautiful friends

14) eating amazing, delicious food all over brooklyn, manhattan, and paris

15) more uggs

16) hope for a year filled with creativity, love, abundance, freedom, fun, and fabulousness. peace and blessings and magic to your for yours. xo

1 Comment

I celebrate your five years! I’ve been following your blog since then, and it has been absolutely inspiring to watch you evolve into your humanity. Thank you for sharing your gratitude lists. And I’m so glad you liked Paris! Hard not to, isn’t it?

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