a snow blows in brooklyn gratitude

i am grateful for:

1) doors and walls and windows and ceilings

2) homemade popcorn: olive oil, garlic powder, salt

3) making juice! cucumber and carrot! my very first time. it’s kind of this moment of nutritional alchemy and accomplishment. and yum.

4) also, i made broccoli sprouts

5) pretty snow, falling in soft clumpy flakes

6) not having to get anywhere near a subway today

7) feeling a little productive

8) beeswax candles. they smell so delicious and burn so clean.

9) pending lunchly leftovers

10) peace, living somewhere peaceful. knowing we are causing war all around is nauseating and helpless-making. but i do love that i can walk outside and feel safe-ish. and i wish this for all beings everywhere. amen.


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