back from vipassana gratitude

wow! so much. i am grateful for:

1) massachusetts blueberries

2) surviving nine days of silence and meditation and no eye contact with my brain and mind and body intact

3) seeing hints of a shift: lighter eyes, more equanimity, an actual desire to meditate

4) not being in a cubicle

5) being accepted to yoga teacher training and that i get to do the one i’ve been wanting to do for about 15 years

6) having time to do yoga teacher training

7) holding steady to a new life direction

8) conway pond

9) tiny blue dragonflies hovering on the water

10) touch, especially after nine days of none

11) s.n. goenka

12) iphone photobooth apps

13) hot air balloons

14) hanging out with a tot just learning to speak, watching all those words accumulate and string together

15) not being alone with my mind right now

16) a cleaner fridge (i almost wanted to pet and nuzzle what i found in there just now.)

17) a new idea for an online magazine

18) summmmmmmmer!

19) reciprocation

20) home

21) love

22) the word “equanimous.” and how it rhymes with eponymous and hippopotamus.

1 Comment

You’re baaaack! Hooray. I’m loving what the above says about your vipassana, especially numbers 1, 5, 13, 17, and 21!

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